One exciting thing for me since Harper's birth, has been the opportunity to teach Jaiden more about praying, and for her to see her prayers answered. That little girl prayed her heart out with us for days! For several days, we kept "How Great is Our God" playing on my laptop with a picture of Harper up. Jaiden would crawl up in the chair and reach her hand out to the screen and pray to God to "help her feel a lot better," "let her come home," and "take the wires off of her." She would ask "God please heal Baby Harper in Jesus' Name."
Every day she asks me if Harper is home yet. There were several times that we would worship and "praise dance" to the song How Great is Our God in the kitchen and living room. We'd praise a while, and then we'd get down on our faces and pray. Most of the time Jeryn was right there with us with both hands in the air turning in circles and making himself dizzy, but he was getting his praise on too! When he ran out of the room toward the bathroom, Jaiden ran after him yelling, "Bubby! Get back here, this is a time to praise God, not go play in the toilet!" Sadly, that's what he was headed to do.
She prayed at dinner, she prayed at Sunday School, she prayed in the car, and she prayed in the bed. So you can imagine when I called her to the computer tonight to show her Harper's recent photo of her eyes open for the first time. Her face lit up and she was so pleased! I said, "You see, God has answered the prayers of His people." She was astonished. There was a little song that I remember from when I was a kid that went "Praise Him! Praise Him! All ye little children, God is Love, God is Love! I was so excited for Jaiden to get to pray for something specific and witness God's unfailing love!
So far there have been four people that have accepted Christ in the last several days as a result of what God is doing through the Stamps and Martin families, and I'm quite certain that there have been many lives changed, and hearts touched...I know mine has been. Thanks to Kelly&Scott, and your precious families. You are an inspiration and we continue to pray Harper!